Destiny 2 Tracker Network

Human Warlock


Awoken Titan


Human Hunter


All Characters

4d 10h 55m Time Played
40 5035
Activity Score K D A K/D Duration
June 15, 2016
Patrol Mars - 271 1 18 271.00 1h 2m
Patrol the Dreadnaught - 240 9 64 26.67 1h 6m
Patrol Venus - 525 0 11 525.00 1h 10m
June 14, 2016
Patrol Mars - 64 0 5 64.00 12m 0s
Patrol the Cosmodrome - 107 0 4 107.00 23m 0s
Patrol the Cosmodrome - 466 0 34 466.00 1h 37m
June 13, 2016
Patrol the Dreadnaught - 51 4 0 12.75 12m 30s
Patrol the Cosmodrome - 341 1 48 341.00 54m 30s
Patrol Mars - 200 0 7 200.00 40m 59s
June 12, 2016
Patrol the Dreadnaught - 654 1 28 654.00 1h 41m
Patrol Mars - 103 0 7 103.00 26m 59s
Winter's Run 0 102 20 61 5.10 2h 29m
Patrol Venus - 91 1 7 91.00 21m 0s
Patrol the Cosmodrome - 156 0 2 156.00 41m 2s
Patrol the Dreadnaught - 329 0 66 329.00 1h 41m
Patrol the Moon - 9 0 9 9.00 4m 0s
Patrol the Cosmodrome - 566 2 21 283.00 1h 31m
June 10, 2016
Patrol the Dreadnaught - 102 0 6 102.00 27m 30s
Patrol Venus - 69 0 1 69.00 15m 30s
June 9, 2016
Patrol Mars - 286 2 29 143.00 1h 13m
June 8, 2016
Patrol the Dreadnaught - 18 1 9 18.00 11m 30s
Patrol the Cosmodrome - 114 0 1 114.00 19m 0s
Patrol Mars - 43 0 1 43.00 8m 59s
Patrol the Dreadnaught - 153 1 15 153.00 45m 59s
June 7, 2016
Patrol the Cosmodrome - 387 0 13 387.00 1h 12m
Patrol Venus - 120 0 4 120.00 24m 30s
The Undying Mind 0 30 0 11 30.00 28m 44s
Patrol the Cosmodrome - 215 0 11 215.00 36m 30s
The First Firewall - 66 3 4 22.00 21m 10s
The Promethean Code - 99 0 1 99.00 27m 2s
Patrol the Cosmodrome - 359 1 35 359.00 51m 0s
Patrol Venus - 249 0 19 249.00 1h 6m
June 6, 2016
The Sunless Cell 0 84 10 44 8.40 53m 30s
The Dreadnaught - 30 2 13 15.00 15m 59s
Patrol Venus - 0 0 0 0.00 3m 0s
Patrol the Dreadnaught - 203 2 35 101.50 1h 2m
Patrol the Dreadnaught - 187 1 24 187.00 47m 0s
June 5, 2016
The Sunless Cell 0 0 0 0 0.00 1m 0s
Patrol Venus - 10 1 0 10.00 14m 30s
Patrol Venus - 119 0 0 119.00 24m 0s
Patrol Venus - 172 0 10 172.00 35m 30s
Patrol the Dreadnaught - 244 0 32 244.00 47m 0s
June 4, 2016
Patrol the Cosmodrome - 80 0 1 80.00 22m 0s
Patrol the Dreadnaught - 193 3 66 64.33 52m 0s
Patrol the Dreadnaught - 5 0 3 5.00 6m 30s
Patrol Venus - 139 0 4 139.00 30m 0s
Patrol Mars - 50 0 3 50.00 14m 0s
Patrol the Cosmodrome - 278 1 9 278.00 1h 27m
June 3, 2016
Patrol the Cosmodrome - 157 1 13 157.00 34m 30s
Patrol the Dreadnaught - 171 2 25 85.50 42m 30s