Destiny 2 Tracker Network

Human Warlock


Awoken Titan


Human Hunter


All Characters

2d 23h 41m Time Played
40 4995
Activity K D A K/D Duration
November 22
Patrol the Cosmodrome 51 0 2 51.00 10m 29s
Patrol Venus 98 0 0 98.00 15m 59s
Patrol the Dreadnaught 40 0 0 40.00 7m 0s
Enemy of My Enemy 29 0 0 29.00 3m 1s
November 21
Patrol the Dreadnaught 192 0 22 192.00 25m 30s
November 18
Patrol the Cosmodrome 114 2 3 57.00 29m 0s
Patrol the Dreadnaught 125 0 15 125.00 22m 0s
Patrol Venus 199 0 8 199.00 32m 30s
Patrol the Cosmodrome 205 0 0 205.00 23m 59s
Patrol the Dreadnaught 305 1 27 305.00 42m 29s
Patrol the Cosmodrome 247 1 9 247.00 32m 30s
The Ruling House 62 0 8 62.00 10m 50s
Siege of the Warmind 55 0 6 55.00 6m 57s
The Silent Fang 70 0 3 70.00 13m 29s
Patrol the Cosmodrome 50 0 0 50.00 11m 30s
November 17
Patrol Venus 68 0 0 68.00 10m 30s
Patrol the Cosmodrome 140 0 2 140.00 30m 30s
November 16
Patrol the Dreadnaught 60 0 2 60.00 8m 30s
Patrol Venus 236 0 9 236.00 39m 30s
Patrol the Dreadnaught 352 0 5 352.00 49m 29s
Patrol the Cosmodrome 126 0 0 126.00 14m 0s
Patrol the Moon 45 0 1 45.00 8m 0s
November 15
Patrol the Dreadnaught 152 0 6 152.00 17m 30s
Patrol the Cosmodrome 182 0 12 182.00 25m 30s
Patrol the Dreadnaught 145 0 2 145.00 20m 0s
Patrol the Dreadnaught 215 1 16 215.00 28m 1s
November 14
Patrol the Dreadnaught 48 0 1 48.00 9m 3s
Patrol Mars 168 0 5 168.00 22m 30s
Patrol the Cosmodrome 139 0 7 139.00 25m 0s
Patrol the Cosmodrome 54 0 0 54.00 8m 30s
Patrol Venus 48 0 0 48.00 7m 30s
Patrol Venus 148 0 9 148.00 18m 30s
Patrol the Dreadnaught 61 0 1 61.00 8m 29s
Patrol Mars 274 0 3 274.00 46m 30s
November 13
Patrol the Dreadnaught 89 0 1 89.00 19m 0s
Patrol Mars 118 0 9 118.00 17m 0s
Patrol the Cosmodrome 210 0 9 210.00 31m 30s
November 12
Patrol the Dreadnaught 47 0 0 47.00 5m 29s
Patrol Mars 40 0 1 40.00 9m 0s
Patrol Venus 137 0 2 137.00 21m 0s
November 11
Patrol the Moon 42 0 3 42.00 7m 59s
November 7
Patrol the Dreadnaught 281 0 17 281.00 34m 0s
Patrol the Cosmodrome 44 0 0 44.00 8m 30s
Patrol Venus 32 0 0 32.00 6m 1s
October 30
Patrol the Dreadnaught 216 0 12 216.00 40m 30s
Patrol Venus 133 0 0 133.00 24m 30s
October 28
Patrol Mars 98 0 6 98.00 20m 0s
Patrol the Dreadnaught 254 0 39 254.00 25m 30s
Enemy of My Enemy 25 1 0 25.00 4m 30s
Patrol the Dreadnaught 597 0 51 597.00 1h 30m