Destiny 2 Tracker Network

Exo Warlock


Exo Hunter


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Activity Score K D A K/D Standing Duration
February 6, 2016
Siege of the Warmind - 45 0 0 45.00 - 4m 0s
Patrol the Cosmodrome - 32 0 0 32.00 - 11m 30s
February 5, 2016
King's Fall - 33 0 17 33.00 - 25m 0s
King's Fall - 0 1 0 0.00 - 1h 36m
February 1, 2016
Memento 510 3 4 0 0.75 Defeat 6m 2s
Bannerfall 310 3 3 0 1.00 Defeat 5m 59s
Pantheon 160 1 4 1 0.25 Defeat 4m 48s
Frontier 200 1 6 1 0.17 Defeat 5m 28s
Memento 325 3 6 0 0.50 Defeat 5m 42s
Memento 110 1 10 0 0.10 Defeat 7m 5s
January 31, 2016
Black Shield 1,030 7 2 4 3.50 Victory 5m 20s
Bannerfall 740 4 2 6 2.00 Victory 5m 22s
The Sunless Cell 0 93 3 15 31.00 - 13m 13s
The Undying Mind 0 78 1 27 78.00 - 12m 24s
Dust Palace 0 39 1 20 39.00 - 13m 42s
Bannerfall 2,085 17 6 3 2.83 Victory 10m 58s
Pantheon 995 6 11 7 0.55 Defeat 10m 50s
Memento 1,505 12 9 3 1.33 Victory 9m 0s
Black Shield 4,165 9 6 5 1.50 Victory 9m 11s
Black Shield 1,105 7 11 7 0.64 Victory 13m 5s
Sector 618 1,475 10 12 6 0.83 Victory 12m 13s
Memento 2,065 8 10 4 0.80 Victory 9m 54s
Vertigo 1,530 9 7 9 1.29 Victory 9m 39s
Cathedral of Dusk 1,645 9 16 3 0.56 Defeat 12m 22s
Cathedral of Dusk 2,880 15 14 4 1.07 Defeat 13m 26s
Pantheon 1,765 12 14 5 0.86 Defeat 10m 26s
Memento 1,830 12 10 3 1.20 Victory 11m 46s
Black Shield 0 0 0 0 0.00 Victory 5m 53s
Frontier 1,140 7 13 6 0.54 Victory 13m 28s
Memento 990 6 5 2 1.20 Victory 10m 23s
Frontier 3,985 12 4 8 3.00 Victory 8m 52s
Cathedral of Dusk 2,190 8 17 5 0.47 Defeat 13m 4s
Bannerfall 470 3 4 3 0.75 Defeat 5m 52s
Bannerfall 5,605 8 9 2 0.89 Victory 10m 29s
Vertigo 1,285 9 12 4 0.75 Victory 10m 9s
Cathedral of Dusk 160 1 2 2 0.50 Defeat 13m 34s
Memento 1,245 7 14 4 0.50 Defeat 10m 9s
Sector 618 0 0 0 0 0.00 Victory 11m 36s
King's Fall - 0 0 0 0.00 - 1m 0s
Frontier 0 0 0 0 0.00 Victory 8m 54s
King's Fall - 0 0 0 0.00 - 1m 0s
King's Fall - 0 0 0 0.00 - 1m 0s
January 30, 2016
King's Fall - 724 53 380 13.66 - 5h 4m
King's Fall - 0 2 0 0.00 - 5h 4m
Black Shield 1,845 11 15 9 0.73 Victory 13m 22s
Vertigo 4,060 10 13 10 0.77 Defeat 11m 0s
Cathedral of Dusk 4,220 13 14 5 0.93 Victory 13m 22s
Pantheon 2,995 14 11 5 1.27 Victory 12m 10s
Frontier 2,730 13 18 7 0.72 Defeat 13m 23s
Patrol Mars - 94 0 1 94.00 - 14m 0s