Destiny 2 Tracker Network

Exo Warlock


Human Titan


Human Hunter


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Activity Score K D A K/D Standing Duration
February 12, 2019
The Burning Shrine 3,175 12 13 11 0.92 Defeat 9m 40s
Floating Gardens 3,740 18 11 8 1.64 Victory 12m 27s
Black Shield 1,590 9 8 5 1.13 Victory 12m 18s
Bannerfall 2,885 12 20 5 0.60 Victory 12m 50s
Memento 4,380 16 13 8 1.23 Victory 12m 12s
Memento 3,505 14 18 12 0.78 Victory 11m 43s
Regicide - 159 1 0 159.00 - 15m 25s
Sepiks Perfected 9,525 61 4 0 15.25 - 8m 30s
February 11, 2019
Siege of the Warmind - 89 2 0 44.50 - 8m 0s
February 10, 2019
Bannerfall 21,800 16 9 8 1.78 Victory 8m 18s
Rusted Lands 21,150 16 9 4 1.78 Defeat 8m 19s
Frontier 24,100 17 6 8 2.83 Victory 8m 20s
Widow's Court 18,600 12 7 9 1.71 Victory 8m 17s
Frontier 26,600 21 12 5 1.75 Victory 8m 41s
Shores of Time 19,350 15 8 3 1.88 Victory 8m 20s
Pantheon 15,550 11 5 5 2.20 Victory 8m 31s
Crota's End - 141 7 58 20.14 - 43m 26s
King's Fall - 277 18 85 15.39 - 1h 43m
Blind Watch 1,440 10 17 6 0.59 Defeat 10m 36s
The Anomaly 1,040 7 13 6 0.54 Defeat 9m 31s
The Dungeons 1,175 5 11 10 0.45 Defeat 7m 42s
Vault of Glass - 15 20 8 0.75 - 32m 55s
February 9, 2019
[PM] Bannerfall 3,080 23 42 1 0.55 3rd 26m 13s
Patrol the Plaguelands - 20 2 9 10.00 - 7m 30s
Vault of Glass - 0 1 0 0.00 - 4m 30s
February 8, 2019
Crota's End - 21 6 27 3.50 - 38m 0s
February 7, 2019
Eye of a Gate Lord - 66 0 3 66.00 - 10m 0s
Patrol the Cosmodrome - 35 0 0 35.00 - 9m 29s
Siege of the Warmind - 47 0 0 47.00 - 3m 30s
February 6, 2019
Crota's End - 138 6 38 23.00 - 41m 27s
The Undying Mind 47,775 103 8 42 12.88 - 19m 42s
Pantheon 2,285 16 13 9 1.23 Victory 12m 27s
Crossroads 1,420 9 20 6 0.45 Defeat 12m 11s
Exodus Blue 1,520 10 19 5 0.53 Defeat 11m 59s
Rusted Lands 880 5 14 6 0.36 Defeat 11m 15s
Pantheon 1,305 8 18 7 0.44 Defeat 13m 11s
Floating Gardens 955 6 12 6 0.50 Victory 9m 50s
Widow's Court 5,700 4 16 2 0.25 Defeat 7m 47s
Crossroads 10,600 7 13 3 0.54 Defeat 8m 33s
Queen's Ransom - 86 2 0 43.00 - 11m 7s
Challenge of the Elders 0 4 0 0 4.00 - 2m 0s
Challenge of the Elders 34,760 275 0 0 275.00 - 28m 3s
Challenge of the Elders 26,360 273 1 0 273.00 - 26m 15s
February 1, 2019
Challenge of the Elders 21,295 254 1 0 254.00 - 20m 31s
January 30, 2019
Eye of a Gate Lord - 173 1 6 173.00 - 18m 0s
Siege of the Warmind - 129 2 0 64.50 - 10m 0s
January 29, 2019
Wrath of the Machine - 178 6 56 29.67 - 1h 39m
Crota's End - 177 11 78 16.09 - 1h 1m
Shield Brothers 17,900 60 0 15 60.00 - 9m 4s
January 28, 2019
Vault of Glass - 58 9 22 6.44 - 34m 1s