Destiny 2 Tracker Network
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Human Warlock


Human Hunter


Exo Titan


All Characters

3d 14h 54m Time Played
40 5525
Activity Score K D A K/D Duration
June 30, 2019
Patrol the Plaguelands - 482 1 52 482.00 59m 0s
June 29, 2019
Patrol the Dreadnaught - 152 0 3 152.00 12m 0s
Patrol Mars - 96 0 3 96.00 15m 30s
Patrol Venus - 74 0 1 74.00 9m 30s
June 25, 2019
Patrol the Plaguelands - 411 0 3 411.00 52m 0s
June 23, 2019
Crota's End - 10 1 0 10.00 11m 0s
Vault of Glass - 0 0 0 0.00 6m 0s
Dust Palace 14,975 41 0 0 41.00 8m 59s
Patrol Mars - 75 0 1 75.00 13m 0s
Blighted Chalice 31,875 106 0 32 106.00 10m 59s
The Wretched Eye 13,850 59 3 16 19.67 10m 10s
The Shadow Thief 30,100 66 0 10 66.00 10m 2s
Patrol the Cosmodrome - 69 0 0 69.00 12m 30s
The Dark Beyond - 76 2 0 38.00 6m 30s
The Garden's Spire - 67 0 0 67.00 10m 34s
June 18, 2019
Patrol Venus - 44 0 0 44.00 5m 30s
Blighted Coven - 99 0 0 99.00 7m 3s
Cerberus Vae III 14,325 32 1 9 32.00 10m 34s
The Nexus 23,250 68 0 10 68.00 9m 29s
The Abomination Heist 12,300 16 0 4 16.00 17m 8s
Dust Palace 31,700 132 5 0 26.40 26m 30s
June 16, 2019
Patrol the Dreadnaught - 80 0 0 80.00 10m 29s
Patrol Venus - 166 0 0 166.00 22m 0s
June 15, 2019
Patrol the Dreadnaught - 147 0 2 147.00 14m 59s
Patrol the Plaguelands - 180 0 15 180.00 23m 31s
June 14, 2019
Patrol the Plaguelands - 7 0 0 7.00 4m 30s
Patrol the Plaguelands - 577 0 38 577.00 1h 2m
Patrol the Plaguelands - 65 0 0 65.00 19m 30s
Patrol the Plaguelands - 0 0 0 0.00 2m 30s
Patrol the Plaguelands - 60 0 0 60.00 9m 30s
Patrol the Dreadnaught - 46 0 0 46.00 4m 30s
Blighted Coven - 113 1 0 113.00 7m 31s
Patrol the Plaguelands - 63 0 0 63.00 8m 0s
Patrol the Plaguelands - 160 0 8 160.00 19m 0s
Patrol the Plaguelands - 42 0 0 42.00 8m 30s
Patrol the Plaguelands - 89 1 1 89.00 19m 30s
June 12, 2019
Patrol the Cosmodrome - 54 0 0 54.00 8m 31s
Patrol Venus - 100 0 0 100.00 11m 30s
Patrol the Dreadnaught - 147 0 1 147.00 14m 31s
June 11, 2019
Patrol the Dreadnaught - 83 0 0 83.00 9m 0s
June 10, 2019
Patrol the Moon - 78 0 0 78.00 9m 30s
Patrol Venus - 94 0 4 94.00 10m 30s
Blighted Coven - 5 0 0 5.00 1m 30s
Patrol the Dreadnaught - 142 0 0 142.00 16m 0s
Patrol the Plaguelands - 254 1 5 254.00 28m 30s
Patrol the Plaguelands - 424 0 6 424.00 46m 29s
Patrol the Cosmodrome - 52 0 0 52.00 11m 29s
Patrol Venus - 111 0 3 111.00 13m 30s
June 9, 2019
Patrol the Dreadnaught - 69 1 1 69.00 6m 31s
The Dark Beyond - 53 1 0 53.00 2m 59s