Destiny 2 Tracker Network

Human Titan


Human Hunter


Human Warlock


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Activity Score K D A K/D Standing Duration
July 5, 2022
Patrol the Plaguelands - 432 0 0 432.00 - 37m 30s
Patrol the Plaguelands - 106 0 0 106.00 - 8m 30s
Dust Palace 56,525 190 0 0 190.00 - 22m 47s
Dust Palace 6,925 62 1 0 62.00 - 6m 30s
July 4, 2022
Patrol Mars - 345 0 0 345.00 - 47m 30s
King's Fall - 324 3 42 108.00 - 58m 46s
Patrol the Cosmodrome - 397 0 3 397.00 - 42m 30s
Black Shield 3,305 14 8 7 1.75 Victory 10m 0s
Bannerfall 3,735 17 8 8 2.13 Defeat 13m 1s
Black Shield 2,675 12 3 11 4.00 Victory 12m 15s
Twilight Gap 3,125 11 2 2 5.50 Victory 5m 55s
Icarus 3,555 16 4 10 4.00 Victory 10m 44s
Patrol Venus - 611 0 0 611.00 - 1h 5m
King of the Mountain - 80 0 0 80.00 - 9m 43s
July 3, 2022
The Plaguelands - 0 0 0 0.00 - 0m 59s
Challenge of the Elders 16,970 136 0 21 136.00 - 17m 3s
The Wretched Eye 22,550 139 2 18 69.50 - 21m 12s
Wrath of the Machine - 145 6 27 24.17 - 34m 3s
The Drifter 3,565 16 4 3 4.00 Victory 8m 34s
Frontier 2,960 14 11 7 1.27 Defeat 10m 50s
Icarus 1,860 13 13 2 1.00 3rd 10m 59s
Shores of Time 2,370 20 16 5 1.25 2nd 10m 23s
Thieves' Den 4,825 20 12 12 1.67 Defeat 12m 23s
Twilight Gap 5,785 27 12 6 2.25 Victory 13m 12s
[PM] The Anomaly 0 0 10 0 0.00 3rd 4m 16s
Patrol the Plaguelands - 930 1 12 930.00 - 1h 11m
Dust Palace 22,100 53 0 11 53.00 - 8m 36s
Patrol Venus - 120 0 0 120.00 - 13m 30s
[PM] The Burning Shrine 1,245 8 12 5 0.67 Defeat 11m 5s
[PM] Pantheon 2,000 17 11 4 1.55 1st 11m 11s
Crossroads 23,100 20 10 1 2.00 2nd 7m 38s
Widow's Court 10,200 8 6 0 1.33 5th 8m 6s
Crossroads 25,350 21 4 1 5.25 1st 6m 20s
July 2, 2022
Download Complete - 78 0 0 78.00 - 6m 49s
Patrol Mars - 555 0 0 555.00 - 1h 19m
King's Fall - 366 8 95 45.75 - 1h 18m
July 1, 2022
Patrol Mars - 5 0 0 5.00 - 1m 30s
Wrath of the Machine - 65 1 12 65.00 - 1h 22m
June 29, 2022
Patrol the Plaguelands - 1106 0 1 1106.00 - 1h 21m
The Plaguelands - 135 0 0 135.00 - 12m 45s
The Walls Come Down - 181 1 0 181.00 - 17m 31s
King of the Mountain - 80 0 0 80.00 - 10m 3s
The Plaguelands - 129 0 0 129.00 - 12m 46s
Cerberus Vae III 47,325 95 0 9 95.00 - 11m 50s
Sepiks Perfected 57,225 139 1 11 139.00 - 13m 43s
The Nexus 49,800 151 0 4 151.00 - 12m 22s
The Wretched Eye 54,450 187 0 0 187.00 - 19m 18s
The Wretched Eye 30,025 117 1 0 117.00 - 8m 0s
The Wretched Eye 45,825 183 1 0 183.00 - 18m 30s
The Wretched Eye 26,650 102 1 0 102.00 - 7m 0s