Destiny 2 Tracker Network

Awoken Titan


Human Warlock


Awoken Hunter


All Characters

1d 6h 37m Time Played
40 4080
Activity K D A K/D Duration
December 17, 2017
Patrol the Dreadnaught 211 0 0 211.00 15m 0s
December 16, 2017
Patrol Venus 0 0 0 0.00 1m 32s
Patrol Mars 289 0 10 289.00 46m 30s
December 14, 2017
Patrol the Plaguelands 513 1 0 513.00 1h 15m
December 13, 2017
Patrol the Dreadnaught 430 0 1 430.00 12m 32s
Patrol Venus 216 0 3 216.00 23m 0s
December 12, 2017
Patrol the Moon 49 0 0 49.00 6m 30s
Patrol Venus 104 0 0 104.00 11m 59s
December 11, 2017
Patrol the Dreadnaught 222 0 10 222.00 23m 59s
Patrol the Dreadnaught 125 0 0 125.00 11m 30s
Patrol Venus 167 1 4 167.00 25m 30s
Patrol Venus 109 0 0 109.00 9m 2s
December 9, 2017
Patrol the Cosmodrome 28 0 0 28.00 5m 30s
Patrol the Moon 38 0 0 38.00 5m 0s
Patrol the Dreadnaught 64 0 3 64.00 9m 30s
Patrol Mars 106 1 6 106.00 18m 0s
Patrol Venus 250 4 7 62.50 33m 59s
Patrol Venus 202 1 0 202.00 26m 30s
December 8, 2017
Patrol the Plaguelands 47 0 0 47.00 6m 30s
Patrol the Dreadnaught 109 0 0 109.00 9m 30s
December 7, 2017
Patrol Venus 217 3 0 72.33 33m 30s
December 6, 2017
Patrol the Moon 49 0 0 49.00 5m 0s
Patrol the Dreadnaught 127 0 10 127.00 9m 30s
Patrol Mars 157 1 2 157.00 21m 30s
Patrol the Plaguelands 411 0 10 411.00 59m 30s
Patrol the Dreadnaught 89 0 0 89.00 9m 0s
Patrol Mars 167 0 12 167.00 23m 30s
December 5, 2017
Patrol Venus 51 0 0 51.00 4m 30s
Patrol the Dreadnaught 103 0 0 103.00 10m 29s
December 4, 2017
Patrol Mars 222 0 9 222.00 30m 30s
December 3, 2017
Patrol Mars 50 0 0 50.00 4m 30s
Patrol Venus 316 1 2 316.00 36m 0s
December 1, 2017
Patrol the Dreadnaught 170 1 40 170.00 14m 30s
Patrol Mars 273 2 31 136.50 43m 30s
Patrol the Plaguelands 396 2 56 198.00 59m 0s
Patrol Mars 219 0 17 219.00 34m 30s
November 30, 2017
Patrol the Plaguelands 55 0 3 55.00 13m 30s
Patrol the Cosmodrome 48 0 0 48.00 7m 30s
Patrol the Dreadnaught 104 0 0 104.00 11m 59s
Patrol Venus 100 2 0 50.00 21m 30s
November 28, 2017
Patrol Venus 92 0 5 92.00 22m 29s
Patrol the Dreadnaught 29 0 0 29.00 8m 0s
Patrol the Plaguelands 610 0 14 610.00 1h 36m
Patrol Mars 360 1 8 360.00 55m 0s
Patrol the Cosmodrome 239 2 7 119.50 26m 0s
Patrol the Dreadnaught 193 0 8 193.00 28m 30s
November 27, 2017
Patrol the Plaguelands 42 0 0 42.00 12m 0s
November 26, 2017
Patrol Venus 65 0 0 65.00 13m 29s
Patrol the Dreadnaught 98 0 0 98.00 11m 3s
Patrol Mars 242 0 1 242.00 28m 30s