Destiny 2 Tracker Network

Human Warlock


Exo Hunter


All Characters

Activity Score K D A K/D Standing Duration
April 19, 2017
Enemy of My Enemy - 175 3 0 58.33 - 32m 48s
The Dreadnaught - 121 2 0 60.50 - 27m 50s
Lost to Light - 105 9 0 11.67 - 38m 30s
The Coming War - 16 1 0 16.00 - 8m 9s
Shadow Call - 14 4 0 3.50 - 7m 16s
April 16, 2017
Patrol Mars - 113 0 2 113.00 - 13m 0s
Floating Gardens 3,200 14 17 9 0.82 Defeat 12m 29s
Widow's Court 2,780 11 7 3 1.57 Victory 10m 39s
The Anomaly 2,010 9 12 7 0.75 Defeat 10m 14s
Shrine of Oryx - 58 0 6 58.00 - 11m 12s
A Stranger's Call - 31 0 6 31.00 - 7m 55s
Chamber of Night - 55 0 12 55.00 - 14m 21s
The World's Grave - 50 0 3 50.00 - 17m 39s
The Nexus 0 145 2 6 72.50 - 21m 34s
Patrol the Plaguelands - 97 3 0 32.33 - 17m 59s
Crossroads 4,080 17 13 9 1.31 Defeat 13m 33s
Floating Gardens 1,605 7 19 5 0.37 Defeat 12m 21s
Crossroads 1,910 8 15 4 0.53 Defeat 9m 16s
The Drifter 0 0 0 0 0.00 Victory 12m 47s
April 15, 2017
Patrol the Dreadnaught - 54 0 0 54.00 - 7m 30s
April 14, 2017
Prison of Elders - 92 1 31 92.00 - 27m 27s
Prison of Elders - 109 3 32 36.33 - 29m 0s
The Anomaly 4,185 23 15 8 1.53 Defeat 10m 9s
Shores of Time 2,555 8 13 5 0.62 Defeat 12m 11s
Patrol Mars - 97 0 3 97.00 - 15m 0s
Patrol Mars - 129 0 3 129.00 - 23m 30s
Rusted Lands 3,660 17 19 4 0.89 Defeat 13m 10s
Skyline 3,020 12 17 9 0.71 Defeat 13m 32s
April 13, 2017
Firebase Delphi 2,955 11 14 6 0.79 Victory 11m 5s
The Anomaly 2,215 8 18 12 0.44 Defeat 10m 51s
Twilight Gap 3,825 15 13 7 1.15 Victory 12m 25s
Rusted Lands 3,085 9 4 8 2.25 Defeat 12m 25s
Fist of Crota - 52 1 0 52.00 - 9m 10s
Rusted Lands 2,430 9 12 3 0.75 Victory 10m 14s
Asylum 2,465 11 12 2 0.92 Defeat 11m 21s
Patrol the Dreadnaught - 94 0 2 94.00 - 13m 29s
Pantheon 1,615 8 15 7 0.53 Defeat 7m 40s
March 21, 2017
The Shadow Thief 0 46 1 14 46.00 - 14m 24s
The Timekeeper 18 11 14 4 0.79 Victory 8m 30s
Widow's Court 11 5 12 0 0.42 Defeat 9m 23s
February 1, 2017
Patrol the Dreadnaught - 72 1 6 72.00 - 16m 1s
January 19, 2017
Shadow Call - 0 9 0 0.00 - 5m 30s
January 18, 2017
Thieves' Den 1,540 10 11 9 0.91 Defeat 10m 40s
Thieves' Den 885 6 7 4 0.86 Victory 10m 13s
The Timekeeper 1,700 14 12 4 1.17 Victory 9m 48s
Floating Gardens 210 2 3 0 0.67 Defeat 10m 12s
November 15, 2016
Patrol the Plaguelands - 74 0 0 74.00 - 20m 29s
Patrol the Plaguelands - 117 2 4 58.50 - 34m 0s
November 14, 2016
Patrol the Plaguelands - 95 0 6 95.00 - 24m 0s
Patrol the Dreadnaught - 73 0 0 73.00 - 11m 30s