Destiny 2 Tracker Network

Character Totals

Completions 58
Time Played 2d 18h 57m
Kills 11,041
Assists 3,904
Deaths 592
K/d Ratio 18.65
KA/d Ratio 25.24
Headshots 3,590

Raid Completions

Wrath of the Machine Level 42

Completions 7
Time Played 9h 17m 50s
Kills 1,665
Assists 622
Deaths 88
K/d Ratio 18.92
KA/d Ratio 22.45
Headshots 328

Wrath of the Machine Level 42

Completions 3
Time Played 3h 15m 8s
Kills 637
Assists 311
Deaths 30
K/d Ratio 21.23
KA/d Ratio 26.42
Headshots 89

Crota's End Level 42

Completions 1
Time Played 23m 10s
Kills 131
Assists 32
Deaths 1
K/d Ratio 131.00
KA/d Ratio 147.00
Headshots 41

Vault of Glass Level 30

Completions 9
Time Played 9h 7m 4s
Kills 1,290
Assists 323
Deaths 86
K/d Ratio 15.00
KA/d Ratio 16.88
Headshots 315

Vault of Glass Level 26

Completions 2
Time Played 4h 8m 57s
Kills 1,056
Assists 162
Deaths 52
K/d Ratio 20.31
KA/d Ratio 21.87
Headshots 216

King's Fall Hard

Completions 10
Time Played 12h 29m 52s
Kills 2,175
Assists 877
Deaths 99
K/d Ratio 21.97
KA/d Ratio 26.40
Headshots 1,124

King's Fall Level 42

Completions 1
Time Played 1h 56m 48s
Kills 350
Assists 169
Deaths 20
K/d Ratio 17.50
KA/d Ratio 21.73
Headshots 121

Crota's End Level 42

Completions 3
Time Played 3h 25m 38s
Kills 599
Assists 366
Deaths 42
K/d Ratio 14.26
KA/d Ratio 18.62
Headshots 231

Vault of Glass Level 42

Completions 2
Time Played 1h 11m 36s
Kills 188
Assists 108
Deaths 7
K/d Ratio 26.86
KA/d Ratio 34.57
Headshots 23

Vault of Glass Level 42

Completions 1
Time Played 1h 0m 26s
Kills 74
Assists 56
Deaths 20
K/d Ratio 3.70
KA/d Ratio 5.10
Headshots 33

King's Fall Normal

Completions 6
Time Played 6h 59m 28s
Kills 858
Assists 324
Deaths 30
K/d Ratio 28.60
KA/d Ratio 34.00
Headshots 430

Crota's End Level 30

Completions 11
Time Played 11h 16m 42s
Kills 1,749
Assists 458
Deaths 93
K/d Ratio 18.81
KA/d Ratio 21.27
Headshots 552

Crota's End Level 33

Completions 2
Time Played 2h 24m 37s
Kills 269
Assists 96
Deaths 24
K/d Ratio 11.21
KA/d Ratio 13.21
Headshots 87

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Crota's End [DNF]

Level 30

Crota's End

Level 30

Crota's End

Level 30

Vault of Glass

Level 26

Vault of Glass

Level 30

Vault of Glass

Level 30

Vault of Glass

Level 26

Vault of Glass

Level 30

Vault of Glass [DNF]

Level 26

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