Happy reset day, Guardians! The second Faction Rally of Season 3 starts NOW. Here's all the pertinent information regarding Season 3 Faction Rallies. One difference to note from previous Faction Rallies (Season 1 and 2) is that the Faction rewards do not change nor do they get added to the loot pool. For example, the FWC sidearm reward from the last Faction Rally is the reward for FWC this time around...nudge, nudge, wink, wink..
Faction Rallies
Here's the info regarding Faction Rallies from a recent TWAB:
Destiny Update 1.2.1 brought improvements to Faction Rallies for Season 3. Back in March, the Seasons team discussed their overall goals for the event. Today, we’ll revisit those goals and outline the changes that have been made to achieve them.
Pledging to a faction should be a meaningful choice.
- Players may now only pledge to one faction per account during a Faction Rallies event - Reputation progress is retained through multiple events, and it will not be reset during the season, even if a player changes allegiance - Each faction offers unique rewards, such as Exotic armor ornaments or Masterwork Catalysts for Exotic weapons - We are planning to host three Faction Rallies events over the course of Season 3Catalyst
- Dead Orbit will offer the Eye of Another World ornament and the Graviton Lance Catalyst
- New Monarchy will offer the Crest of Alpha Lupi ornament and the Sweet Business Catalyst
- Future War Cult will offer the Knucklehead Radar ornament and the Sunshot Catalyst
Seasonal Vendor Progression
- Each faction now features ranks, which players can reach by earning faction tokens - Faction rank-up rewards will continue to grant Legendary armor and weapons past Rank 30
Faction Rallies should provide a unique gameplay experience and not simply be a reward layer on top of the existing game. Additionally, these events should build interest in Lost Sectors and armor ornament objectives.
Faction Rallies now features the “Renown” system
- After pledging to a faction, players may earn Renown by completing a public event or patrol, or by defeating high-value targets on destinations
- Players who loot a Lost Sector with Renown active will receive significantly more faction tokens than usual—the more stacks of Renown they have, the more faction tokens they earn
- Renown is lost when players are defeated by enemies, so be careful when you're attempting to loot a Lost Sector with high Renown!
Renown increases the level of challenge in gameplay
- Health regeneration is vastly reduced (all stack levels) - Enemy kills have a chance to drop health orbs (all stack levels) - Player damage decreased (scales with stack, up to 5) - Incoming damage increased (scales with stack, up to 5)While Renown is active on a player, others around them can see which faction the player has pledged to.
Note: Renown displays which Faction a Guardian is pledged to, but only from a third person view. This functionality applies to all players.
Faction Rallies will continue to feature a Winner’s Offering to the faction that earned the most rank packages during a given event. These rewards will then be available in the rank-up reward pool in the following event. During Seasons 1 and 2, New Monarchy dominated the charts. We’re eager to see whether Dead Orbit or Future War Cult can rack up some wins.
Faction Rewards
Here’s your reset activities for the week of June 26th – July 3rd.
Flashpoint: Nessus
Travel to Nessus to complete Public Events to complete your Flashpoint milestone. Remember to turn your Public Events into Heroic Public Events for a chance at better loot. Once the Flashpoint milestone is complete look for the world boss at the end of the next Heroic Public Event following milestone completion.
Flashpoint Reward: Powerful Engram
Cayde-6 Treasure Maps: Nessus
Be sure to visit the Cayde-6 and purchase the 5 treasure maps (4600 glimmer each) leading to Cayde’s special loot chests before taking off to Nessus to complete your Flashpoint milestone. Feel free to give him a hug while you're there...just don't tell him why.
Call to Arms: Crucible
Win glory by participating in Crucible matches. It typically takes between 5-7 matches to complete the milestone depending on if you are solo queuing or playing with clan mates. Playing crucible matches will earn you progress towards your Call to Arms milestone and your Clan XP milestone at the same time.
The weekly Crucible playlist is DOUBLES!
Call to Arms Reward: Powerful Engram
Here's a quick breakdown of the Seasonal Crucible Ranking System
NightFall: Savathun's Song (Titan)
Delve deep into the Hive-infested Arcology in search of missing fireteams.
Nightfall Challenges:
- Unbroken – Complete the Nightfall with fewer than 3 deaths
- The Best Defense – Shoot down 15 of its projectiles before beating Savathun's Song
Savathun's Song is one of the few Nightfalls with the potential for a strike specific weapon drop so you're duty bound to go grind it... sorry, couldn't help myself.
Heroic Strikes Playlist
Heroic Strikes have a weekly singe with 2 additional modifiers that change daily. This week's singe is void.
Escalation Protocol
Escalation Protocol is a player-initiated Destiny 2 activity that can only be found on Mars. Players that successfully complete all of the progressively more difficult levels of the activity will face a prestige-level boss encounter that rotates weekly
For more detailed information on Escalation Protocol click here to visit Bungie's help page
Raid: Leviathan
Board the Leviathan orbiting Nessus to defeat Calus, the Cabal Emperor. The first encounter this week is The Gauntlet and the Challenge Mode is The Throne Room.
Raid Challenges:
- The Proving – Complete every trial Calus has set before you
- The Labyrinth – Loot 3 of Calus’s gifts in the underbelly of the Leviathan
- The Throne - All 4 plates must be activated at the same time before dealing damage to Calus for each phase
Raid Lair: Eater of Worlds
Raid Lair Challenges
- Clean Sweep - Clear each major encounter
- Moments of Power - Generate orbs multiple times
- The Big Numbers - Get precision kills
Raid Lair: Spire of Stars
Raid Lair Challenges
- Mine all Mine - Complete every major encounter in the Raid Lair: Spire of Stars
- Fistful of Light - Generate orbs of light
- Random Element - Get kills with elemental damage
Just because you're busy fighting doesn't mean you can't look good doing it. Here's your Eververse stock for this week.
Remember all progress on the Leviathan raid is reset as well as raid keys. Clan XP goals are also reset as each player can earn a cap of 5000 XP per character for a powerful engram while total clan XP is capped at 100,000.
Allons-y, Guardians!